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Nepal Goju Kai Karate Do Federation started open national karate competition

Nepal Goju Kai Karate Do Federation has started a national karate competition in Kathmandu. Men won five gold medals and women two gold medals on the first day of the two-day competition. The second and final day’s game will be played on Tuesday.

Men and women will compete in 10 different weight categories in the competition. The competition sees 209 participation from athletes from 20 districts and Dojos. The competition will be held in below 30 kg, less than 35 kg, less than 40 kg, less than 45 kg, less than 50 kg, less than 55 kg, less than 60 kg weight category. over 60 kg.

Men’s and women’s teams will compete on the Kata karate. This time the veterans competition is also included. Physically fit players over 40 years of age will participate in this category.

In the under 40kg category, Rojan Tamang (Shankhdol Academy) won the gold medal, while Anmesh Theve (Mitrapark Dojo) won silver. Vikesh Moktan (Jorpati Dojo) won the gold medal in 45kg. He defeated Sunil Thagunna (South Valley School) in the final. In 50kg, Binod Shrestha (Mansingh Dojo) won the gold and Milan Tamang (Nepal Hayasi-ha Karate) won the silver medal.

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